Norddeutsche Mission
In 1847, the first German missionaries travelled to Ghana to work with the Ewe people who had settled there. In the same year, they founded the Ewe Church. At that time, the area was German-Togolese. After the First World War, Togo becomes French mandated territory, the Volta Region becomes British. In May 1922, on the first synod in Kpalimé, the Ewe Church proclaims itself as independent. At the same time, it divides into Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) as the Ghanaian part and the Eglise Evangélique Presbytérienne du Togo (EPPT) which belongs to Togo. The two churches together keep one constitution.
Nowadays, the E. P. Church has about 155.000 members, their head office is located in Ho in the Volta Region. The church has 300 female and male pastors, who are responsible for 750 parishes. In the church, now, the languages English, Ewe, Twi and Konkomba are spoken.
Since 2001, the E. P. Church is an equal member of the Bremen Mission. Apart from the Ghanaian and the Togolese church, the Bremen Mission consists out of four churches in Germany: The Protestant Church in Bremen, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oldenburg, the Evangelical Reformed Church and the Lippe Church. Apart from that, there are 13 partnerships overseas, for example with churches in the United States, Great Britain and Korea.
In Ghana, the E. P. Church offers help and support to many people through ongoing programs which are organized and carried by the church. By doing so, it plays an important role for the improvement of the life situation of many people. The programs contain projects about health, little first-aid clinics, rural development (lasting methods of production, treatment and marketing of foodstuff), crafts (little projects to find a possibility to get an own income, especially for youths and women), education (a job training center, primary schools, high schools), micro credits and theological training.